Welcome to my ‘new and improved’ website. It has most of the elements I want and some I’ll add as I go. It’s still a work in progress but so am I!
It was just a few months ago that I started to blog and had three whole blogs under my belt. Rather than copy those to this new site, I’m going to let them go and start fresh. I plan to blog on a regular basis and hope that what I have to say and share inspires, uplifts and encourages. I don’t want to talk just to be talking. You can get that anywhere.
I am an Artist and I’ll share my art but my website and this blog isn’t just about that. It is about life experiences, creating connection, making a difference, noticing, waking up, staying awake and being grateful for everything, the good and the bad (if you believe in good and bad).
So here it is, a week before Christmas. I can talk about all the things that aren’t done and dwell on that or just do my best, finish what I can, do what I can do and be okay with it all. It’s a great opportunity to practice acceptance.
The holidays haven’t been about all the “stuff” for a lot of years for me. It’s been about family and gratitude. Everybody has their own ‘reason for the season’ and whatever yours is and however you celebrate, may it bring you peace and joy. Be safe in your travels!